1300 Calorie Vegetarian Diet Plan

1300 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan

Thinking of switching to a vegetarian but don't know how to go about it yet? Well, don't feel bad as this is where this 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan is going to help you.

People opt for a vegetarian diet for numerous reasons- some may choose it for their religious beliefs, while others would go for it in order to achieve their health and fitness goals. No matter what your health and fitness goals are, a 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan is all you need to come out as a winner.

What is a 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan?

You just have to consume a plant-based diet while staying away from any kind of meat, seafood, or poultry. Furthermore, you are required to limit up your daily calorie intake to 1300 calories.

This way, not only would you be able to come into a calorific deficit, but you will also be able to shed some good weight over time.

What are the various benefits of following a 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan?

  • People opting for a vegetarian meal plan are less likely to be diagnosed with various heart diseases
  • People consuming vegetarian food can drastically reduce the risk of certain types of cancers
  • A vegetarian meal plan also helps in preventing type-2 diabetes
  • It will also help you in lowering down your blood pressure while minimizing the chances of a heart stroke
  • Certain studies have proved that people following a vegetarian meal plan have shown decreased symptoms of asthma
  • A vegetarian meal plan helps in improving your skin texture and bone health

Guidelines to follow during the 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

  • Eat all the wholesome foods instead of the processed ones
  • Binge on most of the seasonal food items that are easily available
  • Fill up your platter with lots of fibers in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Don't ignore the proteins during every meal on a daily basis
  • You may need to supplement various vitamins but don't go ahead without consulting your physician
  • Drink lots of water between your meals

Weekly sample 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

Day 1.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Cooked Okra

Breakfast- 1 serving of Peanut butter and banana oatmeal

Snack- 2 medium-sized oranges

Lunch- Almonds (2 oz)

Snack –1 serving of carrot with hummus

Dinner- 2 servings of cooked Okra

Total calorie count for the day – 1297

Day 2.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Raspberries

Breakfast- 2  servings of sweet chocolate oatmeal with 2 cups of strawberries

Snack – 2 cup of raspberries

Lunch- 2 medium-sized apples with almond butter

Snack- Granola(1 oz)

Dinner- 1 serving of Spinach almond salad

Total calories for the day-1303

Day 3.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Protein pancakes with Pecans

Breakfast- 2 servings of Protein pancakes with Pecans (1 oz)

Snack-Grapes (2 cups)

Lunch- Almonds (2 oz)

Snack- 1 Banana

Dinner- 2 servings of easy crackers

Total calories for the day-1286

Day 4.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Buttered toast

Breakfast- 2 slices of buttered toast

Snack- 2 apples

Lunch- 1 cup of grapes with 2 serving of cheese slices

Snack- 1 serving of carrots with hummus

Dinner- 2 servings of steamed broccoli with olive oil and parmesan cheese

Total calories for the day-1298

Day 5.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Sautéed Brussell sprout

Breakfast-  2 cups of orange mango smoothie with chia seeds

Snack –1 serving of cheese slices

Lunch- 2  servings of cauliflower with hummus snack

Snack- Almonds (1 oz)

Dinner- 2 serving of sautéed Brussell sprouts with onion and garlic

Total calories for the day -1311

Day 6.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Hummus

Breakfast- 1 serving of Watermelon juice with 2 apples

Snack- 2 cups of blueberries

Lunch- 1 serving of bell pepper and hummus snack with 2  banana

Snack- Granola(1 oz)

Dinner- 2 servings of Multigrain flatbread with mozzarella cheese and hummus

Total calories for the day-1307 calories

Day 7.

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan – Kale and apple juice

Breakfast- 1 serving of Yogurt with grape-nut cereal and honey with 2 cups of blueberries

Snack- Granola(1 oz)

Lunch- 2 servings of kale and apple juice

Snack- 2 slices of cantaloupe with 1 banana

Dinner- 2 servings of Baked Korean sweet potatoes

Total calories for the day-1296

Summing it up

The 1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan is quite effective in bringing better health and fitness to your life. Still, you may have to stack up on all those vitamin supplements in order to fulfill your daily nutritional requirements.

Also, the diet plan is not for ladies that are pregnant or breastfeeding as their calorie requirement is more at the current stage. Furthermore, consult your doctor before jumpstarting with this diet plan in order to get the best benefits forward.

1200 calorie vegetarian meal plan

1300 calorie meal plan high protein

About The Author

1300 Calorie Vegetarian Diet Plan

Source: https://www.dietsmealplan.com/meal-plan/1300/1300-calorie-vegetarian-meal-plan/

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