Indian Diet Plan to Lose Weight for Thyroid Patients

Preparing a diet plan for hypothyroidism can be extremely complex since there are lots of limitations on what works best and what won't.

For example smoothies made from raw broccoli can be an excellent fat cutter drink but thyroid patients cannot consume it in large quantity as it stimulates the thyroid glands in negative way.

Similarly there are tons of veggies such as collard greens, Mustard greens, Cabbage and red cabbage which you may have always thought to be healthy, but it isn't.

Let me tell you why…

In general green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It makes a perfect choice for an average individual, in fact it acts as a super food.

But this very super food becomes problematic if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, meaning you simply cannot consume anything without proper knowledge.

Raw vegetables like cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables interfere with the production of thyroid hormones, therefore not making an ideal choice for you.

Due to the complex nature of this disease, it really becomes difficult to make healthy choices and keep thyroid in check through diet.

Therefore, looking at the complexity of the disease and the choice of food I have prepared a One month Indian weight loss diet plan for Hypothyroidism.

Now before you could jump on to the diet plan it's important you understand what is Thyroid and its importance.

What is Thyroid?

Thyroid description

Thyroid is a butterfly shaped large ductless gland located in the neck, near the base of your throat.  It produces hormones in your body which controls many important functions such as how fast you burn fat, how fast your heart beats, insulin response and so on.

It nearly affects every cell in your body (1).

When your thyroid gland does not produce enough Thyroid hormone it's known and underactive thyroid or Hypothyroidism.

Generally, hypothyroidism affects approx. 2% population around world. And when it comes to hypothyroidism, it's the women who are at greater risk as compared to men (2).

It is estimated that nearly 90% patients suffering from hypothyroidism are due to Hashimoto Thyroiditis, a condition where your own immune system attacks the Thyroid gland (3).

Remaining population who have underactive thyroid are the ones who generally suffer due to Iodine deficiency, hereditary causes and certain type of drugs and medications.

If we look at the history of Hypothyroidism, it's at the constant uptrend and there is a good reason to it. In today's modern day lifestyle we have included too much processed foods in our diet.

In India around 42 million suffers from Thyroid disease and is spreading like an epidemic (4).

Remember it's now or never.

Your body can be forgiving if you help your body to self-heal. The answer to control thyroid is simple, either force your immune system to correct itself or take pills throughout your life.

I am not saying quit pills right away, instead follow a healthy lifestyle and an awesome thyroid diet, which I will show you and results should follow.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

The thing with hypothyroidism is that it may be non-symptomatic at times, thereby making extremely difficult to take corrective action on time. Having said that some common symptoms that can be an important pointer are:

  • Weight gain and difficulty in losing weight
  • Dry, cool skin
  • Hair fall
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Slow heart rate
  • Depression
  • Hoarseness
  • Constipation
  • Reduced cold tolerance
  • Brittle Nails
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Enlarged thyroid
  • And the list can go on forever as it impacts pretty much every cell in your body

If you are diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, you will most likely with treated with medicine to control the thyroid hormones.

And if you can be little bit intelligent with the choice of food you eat, you can surely overcome Hypothyroidism especially in the initial stages. Millions of people have already achieved that and there are no reasons why you cannot do it.

Yes that's true, you can control Hypothyroidism with a diet plan that helps your thyroid glands.

Food items that goes well with Hypothyroid diet

Before we prepare any diet plan it's important to first understand the type of food suitable for hypothyroidism. Not every food items are suitable for those suffering from underactive thyroid.

Foods that may look healthy may not always be good for people suffering from hypothyroidism.

For example Kale or any other cruciferous vegetable, they are extremely healthy and nutritious but when these foods are consumed by those suffering from hypothyroidism, it has a real negative impact.

Therefore, we will first go through the list of Hypothyroidism friendly food first and then try to build an awesome plan around it.

Let's take a quick look at the list of food items that goes well with underactive thyroid.


  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Apricots
  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Mango
  • Dates
  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Prunes
  • Oranges
  • Raspberries
  • Apricot
  • Musk Melon
  • Peach

Dairy Products

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Paneer
  • Butter
  • Yogurt
  • Buttermilk


  • Brown Rice
  • Daal
  • Ragi
  • Bajra
  • Buck wheat
  • Wheat
  • Nuts


  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Clarified butter (Made from Cow ghee)
  • Butter


  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Green Leafs (Only the Non-cruciferous one's)
  • Pumpkin
  • Bell Peppers
  • Potato
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Squash
  • Celery
  • Mushrooms
  • Artichokes
  • Cucumber
  • Lauki
  • Sea Vegetables
  • Leeks
  • Peppers
  • Alfalfa
  • Okra
  • Potatoes
  • Zucchini


  • Juices (Vegetable and fruit juices)
  • Green tea
  • Wheat grass juice
  • Lauki Juice
  • Amla Juice
  • Ajwain water
  • Coriander seeds water
  • Beet juice
  • Coriander seed water

Ok enough of info, let's start with our 1 month weight loss plan for hypothyroidism starting with first week.

So now let's jump onto your Weight loss plan.

One month Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan for Hypothyroidism

Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan for hypothyroidism_Plan

Before you could jump onto this weight loss plan, I would strongly advise you get the thyroid test done first just so that you know where you are starting.

By the end of 30 days get your test done once again and see where you stand.

This way, you will know if you are making any progress. Depending on how good or bad your progress is you can make more decisive decision.

Initially you will have to monitor the thyroid once a month or once every two months, post which you may need to modify your diet until you hit the sweet spot.

Let's get started…

Week 1


6:00 AM: Drink a 50 ml Wheatgrass juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: A Bowl of mixed seasonal fruits.

11:00 AM: Thyroid Balancing green juice.

To make thyroid balancing drink you simply need 1 apple, 2 to 3 sprigs parsley, 2 carrots and half inch ginger. Juice it, extract the juice and have it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: 1 cup paneer Bhurji with 4 Buckwheat roti's and 1 cup low fat yogurt.

5:00 PM: 1 cup green tea without sugar

7:00 PM: 4 to 5 Almonds

9:00 PM: Palak Paneer and 4 buckwheat roti's.

Before Bed: A glass of Ajwain water

Drink at least 2 – 3 liters of water throughout the day (contact your doctor if you are suffering from excess water retention).


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheat grass juice on empty stomach.

9:00 AM – Breakfast: A bowl of organic fruits

11:00 AM: Make a thyroid balancing drink and have it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Whole dal, Brown rice with mixed vegetable Sabji and Raitha.

5:00 PM: 1 cup green tea

7:00 PM: 3 walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: 1 bowl vegetable salad, black dal and 2 – 3 Bajra roti.

Bed Time: Drink Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 200 ml Lauki juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Brown rice Idli with Sambar

11:00 AM: Make your thyroid balancing drink and have it.

To make your thyroid balancing drink you will need Coriander, Lemon and water.

Once you have these ingredients ready follow the below steps:

  • Take one and a half glass water in a pan and heat it.
  • Put chopped coriander leaves in the water and let it boil until 1 glass water remains
  • Let the water cool down, add half a lemon juice, mix it well and drink it

1:00 PM – Lunch: Mixed Vegetable Salad, 2 to 3 Bajra rotis, Green Dal and Spinach sabji

5:00 PM: 1 cup green tea

7:00 PM: 4 Unsalted Almonds

9:00 PM – Dinner: Brown rice, Whole Dal, beetroot sabji and salad

Bed time: A glass of Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 200 ML Lauki juice on empty Stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Banana shake made with Almond milk

11:00 AM: Time to take your Thyroid balancing drink.

To make your Thyroid balancing drink, you will need:

  • Handful of watercress
  • 2 Apples
  • Lemon juice
  • Half inch ginger

Simply put all the above ingredients in a juicer/blender and juice it.

If you don't get watercress you can use chlorella or Cilantro instead.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Paneer mutter with 2 – 3 buckwheat roti's, a small bowl of salad and Buttermilk.

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

  • To make Parsley tea, you simply need to Boil a glass of water and add some parsley leaves in it.
  • Let the water cool down, have this tea without sugar.

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: 1 cup vegetable salad, whole dal, 2 bajra rotis and carrot sabji.

Bed Time: Coriander seed water

To make Coriander seed water, simply soak a handful of coriander seeds in water for a day and then drink it.

So to make this drink, plan in advance i.e. soak the coriander seeds in water in the morning and drink that water at night before bed.


6:00 AM: Drink Wheatgrass juice early morning on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: One Large Banana with Overnight chia pudding. Because Chia seeds are a good source of fiber, protein and magnesium.

To make your chia seeds pudding you simply need a handful of chia seeds, Almond milk, vanilla extracts and honey.

  • Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl and leave it for an hour or two
  • Mix the chia seed pudding well and have it.

11:00 AM: Consume your Thyroid drink.

To make you Thyroid balancing drink simply mix below ingredients and put it in the blender.

  • Parsley
  • Cucumber
  • Half a lemon
  • Ashwagandha root powder and 2 Apples.

Juice it, and drink the liquid part by separating the fibers.

1:00 PM – Lunch: 1 bowl green dal, Brown rice, 1 glass buttermilk and Salads

5:00 PM: 1 cup Parsley tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil Nuts

9:00 PM: 1 cup Beetroot sabji, 3 bajra chapatti and one cup Black Dal

Before Bed: Coriander seed water


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheatgrass juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: One of your favorite fruit and Banana-berry smoothie.

11:00 AM: Time for your Thyroid balancing drink.

To make this drink, simply Mix lemon, ginger powder and organic honey with a glass of water and drink it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: 3 Buckwheat flour roti's with Mushroom muter, 1 glass butter milk and Salad.

5:00 PM: 1 cup parsley tea

7:00 PM: 3 Brazil Nuts

9:00 PM: Brown rice Mushroom fried rice without Ajino motto and 1 cup salad.

Before Bed: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 200 ML Lauki juice made with 7 Mint leaves on empty stomach.

9:00 AM – Breakfast: 2-3 Vegetable Oats idli with sambar.

11:00 AM: Take your thyroid balancing drink.

To make this drink you need 1 Apple, 2 cup Parsley, half ginger and half a lemon.

Once you have the above ingredients ready follow the below steps:

  • Mix all the above ingredients except lemon in the juicer.
  • Extract juice and mix it with Lemon juice and drink it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Half a Water melon (This will give you approx. 350 to 400 calories) and 1 apple.

Don't worry about the quantity of watermelon, consuming half a watermelon gives around 350 – 500 calories depending upon its size.

5:00 PM: Parsley tea

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: 1 cup salad, Brown rice and Thick Dal followed by 1 cup low fat curd

Bed Time: Drink Coriander seed water

READ: Indian Keto Diet Plan for weight Loss

Week 2


6:00 AM: 50 ml Amla juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: A bowl of organic fruits (Should include multiple fruits)

11:00 AM – Thyroid balancing drink made from Parsley, Cucumber, Lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half a lemon.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Dal Khichdi, 1 Glass buttermilk and black chana sabzi.

5:00 PM: 1 cup green tea

7:00 PM: 4 Almonds

9:00 PM – Dinner: 1 bowl steamed brown rice with mixed vegetable sambar, 1 bowl low fat curd and Salad (Avoid curd if you are sensitive to cold).

Bed Time: Drink Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheatgrass juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Banana and Almond milk smoothie with 1 apple.

11:00 AM: Thyroid balancing drink, pick any one drink from week 1

1:00 PM – Lunch: Paneer bhurji and 4 Bajra roti's and 1 glass Buttermilk or Curd

5:00 PM: Seasonal fruit of your choice

7:00 PM: 3 Unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Brown rice, thick dal, beet root sabji and raitha

Bed Time: Drink Coriander seed water


6:00 AM: Drink 200 ml Lauki juice

9:00 AM: A bowl of fruits (Multiple fruits)

11:00 AM: Thyroid balancing drink (Pick any one from week 1)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Lauki Sabji, whole dal, Salad and 3 buckwheat roti's.

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil Nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: 3 Bajra roti along with Green masala dal, 1 Cup low fat curd and Salad.

Bed Time: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: Early morning drink Lauki juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Brown rice Idli with sambar.

11:00 AM: Thyroid balancing drink (Preferably made from Parsley, Cucumber, Lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half a lemon)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Half a water melon with 1 apple (The quantity make look huge but the calorie intake would be around 400-500 calories). If you don't find water melon locally, you can opt for mixed fruit bowl that gives you around 500 calories.

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 4 unsalted Almonds

9:00 PM – Dinner: Lauki Sabji, 4 bajra roti, Green masala dal and salad.

Bed Time: Drink Ajwain water


6:00 AM: Drink 50 ml wheatgrass juice

9:00 AM: A bowl of mixed seasonal fruits

11:00 AM: Hormone balancing drink made from Half Pineapple, A handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder (Chlorella powder is optional)

1:00 PM – Lunch: 2 Paneer Paratha with Black or green dal, 1 bowl curd and salad

5:00 PM: 1 cup green Tea without sugar

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM – Lunch: Brown rice with Dal, 1 bajra roti, Methi sabji and salad

Bed Time: Drink Coriander seed water (You need to soak the seeds in the morning)


6:00 AM: Drink 50 ML Wheatgrass Juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Smoothie Bowl

To make smoothie bowl you will need below ingredients.

  • 2 Bananas
  • Berries (Can be raspberries, cherries or even blueberries)
  • Vanilla extracts
  • 2 tablespoon Almond milk
  • Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and Pistachios

Once the above ingredients are ready..

  • Simply put all the above ingredients excluding the Seeds and pistachios in a blender.
  • Blend it thoroughly, garnish it with the Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and pistachios

Your Breakfast is complete.

11:00 AM: Your hormone balancing drink made from 1 apple, 2 to 3 sprigs parsley, 2 carrots and half inch ginger. Simply Juice it, extract the juice and have it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Brown rice mushroom fried rice made with green peas and carrots (Must exclude ajinomoto and cornflour), Salad and 1 cup curd.

5:00 PM: Parsley tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Palak Paneer with 3 – 4 bajra roti and salad.

Bed Time: Ajwain water


So it's a Sunday today and we have reached to a critical juncture. By now you should see your body's metabolism has improved and your body weight is reducing slowly.

Now it's time to speed up the process and follow a reboot diet for today, yes it means we will try to stay raw this day, and from now on we will go fully raw at least once a week. So here we go…

6:00 AM: Drink 200 ml Lauki juice on empty stomach

8:00 AM: Coconut water (Save 1 spoon for your breakfast)

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Fully raw cereal bowl.

To make this breakfast you will need below Ingredients:

  • 2 Cup Almond milk
  • 1 Spoon coconut water
  • 5 – 6 Deseeded dates
  • A handful of pistachios
  • 1 cup chopped Apples
  • 1 cup chopped bananas
  • Vanilla essence extracts and few raisins

Once you have the above ingredients ready, simply follow the below steps.

  • Put Almond milk, coconut water, vanilla essence extracts, pistachios and deseeded dates in a blender and blend it thoroughly.
  • Take a bowl and add the chopped apples and bananas.
  • Mix it with the blended milk
  • Garnish it with Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds and walnuts.

11:00 AM: Time for your hormone balancing drink.

To make this drink you simply need 2 -3 carrots, 1 large beetroot and 7-8 mint leaves.

Once you have the above ingredients ready, simply juice it, separate the fiber from liquid juice and drink the liquid part.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Raw fruit punch with Salad and Juice

To make this raw food lunch you will need the below ingredients:

  • 2 sliced Bananas
  • 1 Diced apple
  • A Dash of Cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup raw almond butter
  • 1 Glass Orange juice

Once you have the above ingredients ready, simply follow the below steps.

  • Put your sliced Bananas, diced apples in a bowl and add your Almond butter and cinnamon on it.
  • Mix it well
  • Have this lunch with one glass orange juice and Salad made from cucumbers, carrots and beetroots.

5:00 PM: Turmeric tea

To make turmeric tea you will need the below ingredients:

  • Organic turmeric
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • Half inch finely chopped ginger
  • Half teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil or Desi cow ghee

Once you have the above ingredients ready simply follow the below steps.

  • Take one glass water and put it in a pan
  • Put Blackpepper, Organic turmeric powder, and finely chopped ginger in the pan
  • Boil it for 10 minutes in medium flame.
  • Extract the tea and let it cool down.
  • Mix the extra virgin Coconut oil with the tea and drink it.

7:00 PM: 3 Unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Chia seed pudding with Watermelon and Salad.

To make your Chia seed pudding you will need below ingredients:

  • Half cup Almond milk
  • 3 tablespoon of Chia seeds
  • Vanilla extracts
  • Stevia extracts or Organic Honey for sweetness (Content of honey should be as per your preference)
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1 finely chopped apple
  • Pinch of Cinnamon
  • Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds and finely chopped almonds for garnishing

Once you have the above ingredients ready simply follow the below steps.

  • Soak chia seeds in half cup almond milk for an hour or two.
  • Put bananas, one teaspoon Vanilla extracts, pinch of cinnamon, Half a cup almond milk in a blender and blend it thoroughly.
  • Now mix banana smoothie with Chia seed pudding.
  • Add Honey or stevia extracts for sweetness and mix it well.
  • Mix finely chopped apples with the chia pudding and seeds (Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds and chopped almonds)

Now have this yummy raw food dinner with 1/4th Watermelon and salad.

Bed Time: Drink Coriander seed water.

READ: Cinnamon water for weight Loss

Week 3


6:00 AM: Drink 50 ML Alma Juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Banana Oatmeal smoothie with 1 Apple.

To make this smoothie you will need below ingredients:

  • 1 Medium to large banana
  • One cup Almond milk
  • 1/4th Cup Instant Oats/Rolled traditional Oats
  • 1-2 tablespoon of Organic honey for sweetness
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • One tablespoon of raw almond butter

Once you have the above ingredients handy, simply put everything in a blender and blend it thoroughly.

Your smoothie is ready. Have this smoothie with one apple.

11:00 AM: Your thyroid balancing drink.

Make your hormone balancing drink from Half Pineapple, A handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder (Chlorella powder is optional)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Paneer mutter with 3 Bajra roti, Salad and buttermilk

5:00 PM: 1 cup green tea without sugar

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM: 1 cup boiled brown rice with green peas, 1 buckwheat roti, Green masala dal, Lauki sabji and salad.

Before bed: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheatgrass juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Brown rice Idli with sambar

11:00 AM: Your thyroid drink made from 1 apple, 2 to 3 sprigs parsley, 2 carrots and half inch ginger. Juice it, extract the juice and have it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Salad, Beetroot raitha, Brown rice, Lauki sabji, 2 Bajra roti and Green dal.

5:00 PM: Parsley tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Beetroot sabji, Black dal, 2 multigrain rotis, 1 cup brown rice and salad

Bed Time: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 200 ml Lauki juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Buckwheat Dosa and green tea

11:00 AM: Your Thyroid drink made from lemon, ginger powder and organic honey. Simply mix these ingredients in a glass of water and drink it.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Vegetable salad, Dal khichdi, Buttermilk and beans sabji

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM: 3 bajra or Buckwheat roti with Mushroom and green peas sabji and Salad

Bed time: Drink Ajwain water


6:00 AM: Drink 200 ml Lauki juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Oats upma mixed with carrots, green peas and other veggies of your choice.

11:00 AM: Thyroid hormone balancing drink made from Half Pineapple, A handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder (Chlorella powder is optional)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Whole Dal, Brown rice, Lauki sabji, 2 buckwheat or bajra roti and Salad.

5:00 PM: Green tea

7:00 PM: 4 Almonds

9:00 PM – Dinner: 2 Multigrain rotis, Beans sabji, Green masala dal, 1 small bowl brown rice and raitha.

Bed Time: Coriander seed water


6:00 AM: 50 ml Wheatgrass juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: A bowl of fruits (Variety of fruits)

11:00 AM: Hormone balancing drink made from Half Pineapple, A handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder (Chlorella powder is optional)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Black Chana sabji, 2 Multigrain roti's, Whole dal, brown rice and Buttermilk

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Salad, Black Dal, 3 multigrain rotis and beet root raitha

Bed Time: Coriander seed water (Must be soaked in the morning).


6:00 AM: 200 ml Lauki juice on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Oats Idli with Sambar and Green Tea

11:00 AM: Your favorite thyroid drink, simply can't miss this (Drink should be made from carrots, beetroots and mint leaves).

1:00 PM – Lunch: Paneer mutter, 2 Multigrain roti's, Brown rice and Salad

5:00 PM: Turmeric Tea

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Whole Dal, 3 multigrain rotis, Lauki Sabji, Salad and buttermilk

Bed Time: Ajwain water


It's Sunday, do you remember what you need to do on this day? If not, let me remind you by saying that we will be going raw today for one final time.

Let's do it now…

6:00 AM: Lauki Juice 200 ml on empty stomach

9:00 AM – Breakfast: A bowl of fruits (Variety of fruits)

11:00 AM: Hormone balancing drink made from carrots, beetroots and mint leaves

1:00 PM – Lunch: Frozen banana with Oats and Chia Seeds smoothie + Carrots and Celery sticks.

To make this smoothie, you will need below ingredients:

  • 2 bananas – Cut it into pieces and keep it in the freezer to freeze it
  • Half cup oats
  • 1/4th cup chia seeds
  • Berries such as Raspberries, Blueberries and strawberries
  • Honey for sweetness
  • Almond milk
  • And seeds such as Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and chopped pistachios

Once you have the above ingredients ready simply follow the below steps.

  • Soak the Chia seeds in Almond milk in refrigerator for an hour or two
  • Now make your smoothie by adding all the ingredients in the blender (Don't put chia seeds and other seeds in when blending it)
  • Once the smoothie is ready, mix the chia seeds with your smoothie.
  • Garnish it with Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds and chopped pistachios.

Your smoothie is ready. Additionally, eat carrot and celery sticks to finish the meal.

5:00 PM: Lauki Juice again 200 ml

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Half a watermelon with a bowl of fresh Salads

Bed Time: Coriander seed water

Week 4


6:00 AM: 50 ml Wheatgrass Juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Oats Idli with Sambar + Green tea

11:00 AM: Your thyroid drink made from Carrots, Beetroot and mint leaves.

1:00 PM – Lunch: 4 multigrain roti, Rajma, Salad and buttermilk.

5:00 PM: Green tea

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Brown rice, 2 Bajra roti, Lauki sabji and green dal + Salad.

Bed Time: Coriander seed powder


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheatgrass juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Whole grain cracker and banana sandwich and 1 whole apple.

To make Whole grain banana cracker sandwich you will need below ingredients:

  • Whole grain cracker
  • Raw almond butter
  • One banana

Once you have this ingredient ready follow the below steps:

  • Slice the bananas
  • Spread the almond butter on your crackers, put the sliced bananas on it and you are done.

Have this along with 1 whole Apple.

11:00 AM: Your hormone balancing drink made from carrots, beetroot and mint leaves.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Dahi curry, 1 katori brown rice, 2 buckwheat or multigrain rotis, Bhindi sabji and Salad (Lots of beets, cucumber and carrots)

5:00 PM: Lauki Juice

7:00 PM: 3 unsalted Brazil nuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: 1 katori pumpkin sabji, 3 multigrain rotis, 1 katori curd and salad

Bed Time: Coriander seed water


6:00 AM: 200 ml Lauki juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Paneer bhurji with 2 multigrain rotis and Green tea without sugar

11:00 AM: Take your thyroid drink made from Half Pineapple, A handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder (Chlorella powder is optional)

1:00 PM – Lunch: Rajma Sabji, 2 multigrain rotis, 1 katori brown rice, Salad and 1 katori curd.

5:00 PM: Lauki Juice

7:00 PM: 3 walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Lauki sabji, green dal, 2-3 multigrain roti's and salad

Bed Time: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 50 ml Wheatgrass Juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: 2 Paneer Paratha with curd

11:00 AM: Your Hormone balancing drink made from Celery, Carrots, Beetroots, Mint and few tulsi leaves.

1:00 PM – Lunch: Mushroom masala with 3 buckwheat roti's, Green dal and Salad

5:00 PM: 1 cup Green tea

7:00 PM: 4 unsalted almonds

9:00 PM: Bhindi sabji, 3 bajra rotis, curd and salad

Bed Time: Drink Coriander seed powder


6:00 AM: Drink 50 ml Wheatgrass juice

9:00 AM: A bowl of fruit salad (Variety of fruits)

11:00 AM: Your hormone balancing drink made from Pineapple, handful of parsley, 1 Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder and half teaspoon chlorella powder

1:00 PM – Lunch: Black Dal, Brown rice, 2 multigrain rotis, Buttermilk and salad

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 3 Walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Lauki sabji, 3 multigrain rotis, left over black dal from afternoon and Salad

Bed Time: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: 50 ml wheatgrass Juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Brown rice Idli with sambar + 1 cup green tea without sugar.

11:00 AM: Drink your hormone balancing drink made from Carrots, beet roots, Mint and tulsi leaves.

1:00 PM – Lunch: 1 katori Brown rice, Bhindi sabji, green dal, 2 buckwheat roti's and salad

5:00 PM: Parsley Tea

7:00 PM: 3 walnuts

9:00 PM – Dinner: Rajma curry, Brown rice and 2 multigrain roti with salad.

Bed Time: Ajwain water


6:00 AM: Drink 200 ml Lauki juice

9:00 AM – Breakfast: Oats idli (mixed with variety of veggies) along with Sambar and green tea.

11:00 AM: Thyroid hormone balancing drink made from Pineapple, parsley, Cucumber, Half a lemon, Ashwagandha root powder, celery stem and half teaspoon chlorella powder

1:00 PM – Lunch: Half a water melon with Salads

5:00 PM: Drink 50 ml Amla Juice

7:00 PM: Wheatgrass Juice

9:00 PM – Dinner: Chia seed pudding (I have already shown how you can make chia seed pudding, above)

Bed Time: Coriander seed water

Foods to avoid with hypothyroidism

  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Radish leaves
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Red Cabbage
  • Collard greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Bok Choy
  • Swiss chard
  • Wasabi
  • All cruciferous vegetables
  • Soy products
  • Tofu
  • Pasta
  • Gluten rich bread
  • White Rice
  • Coffee
  • Processed foods such as burgers, pizza's, Soft drinks, readymade juices, Biscuits and cookies
  • Alcohol

The list can go on forever, but these are the list that I can think of at top of my mind, over a period of time I will build up this list.

10 ways to make your Hypothyroid Diet plan a success

Make Mypothyroidism diet a success

1.) Consult your doctor and work with your doctor

Very first thing that you need to do is consult your doctor and work with him/her on the dosage of medication.

 Now I know, no doctor will tell you anything about the diet due to obvious reasons but it's important you keep monitoring your TSR and TSH so that you now your progress and accordingly ask the doctor to reduce the dosage based on the progress you make.

Idea is to reduce the dosage of medication over a period of time as your body heals.

2.) Exercise daily and do yoga

Multiple studies conducted proves that moderate exercise can help improve your thyroid response.

When you wake up early in the morning, after consuming your health drink like Lauki juice and wheatgrass juice go for at least 30 minute walk followed by doing basic yoga exercises.

Yoga exercises like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Brahmari and Udgeeth Pranayam can significantly help to improve your thyroid conditions.

3.) Quit Alcohol and Smoking

No matter what type of diet plan you follow, it won't work unless you give your body a chance to detoxify itself.

Consumption of Alcohol and cigarette makes your body acidic and toxic.

The liver and kidney has to work extra hard to expel toxins and when its unable to expel toxins over a period of time it just builds up and then eventually leads to liver failure, kidney failure or even cancer.

So by asking your body to work so hard you are not doing any good to yourself to heal Thyroid.

So before you could start your diet plan make sure you stop consumption of alcohol and cigarette or at least try to start somewhere, you will fail one day, fail the second day but if you keep trying it will help.

4.) Say no to fast foods

Fast foods such as burgers, pizza's and noodles causes inflammation and makes your immune system weak therefore naturally elevating the Hypothyroidism.

Furthermore, sit's not only your thyroid that gets affected by this, your digestive system has to work really hard to get it digested.

5.) Gap between meals

Give a good gap between meals, our digestive system is complex. It takes a lot of time to digest a processed or a cooked food.

6.) Avoid So called thyroid supplements

If a medicine and your food can't cure thyroid, no supplements can cure it either. Only person that can cure your thyroid is you and only medicine that can keep it in check is your diet.

I know we all are desperate for a cure, but to be honest these supplements won't do any good if you are not disciplined with your dietary habits. So bottom line is avoid the so called supplements and focus on your diet first.

7.) Keep Moving and eat less

Our modern lifestyle is such that, we wake up from bed, go to bathroom, eat breakfast then take a transport and go to office. You don't give a chance for your body to move.

Try to include at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, research has already proven that exercise can help your thyroid. When you go to office take public transport instead of going by car or bike. This will not only save you money, but it will also help you stay fit.

8.) Have a good sleep

Sleep plays a significant role in regulating your hormones. Lack of sleep disrupts your Vatta, Pitta and Kapha, thereby giving rise to lifestyle diseases such as blood pressure and thyroid. Good sleep can help to keep your thyroid in check.

9.) Keep yourself Hydrated

Our body is 60% water and it uses water as a tool to expel toxins in form of sweat, stool and urine. Keeping yourself hydrated boosts the toxin eliminating process and keeps your kidneys happy.

Drink at least 2 -3 liters of water per day to enjoy optimum health (consult your doctor if you are suffering from excess water retention, other water is good for your body).

10.) Limit Goitrogens and Soy

Even though goitrogens and soy are safe in moderate quantity, it's always safe to keep those away if you have better food choices.

Consumption of excess goitrogens in form of medication of food can elevate the symptoms. Furthermore, soy products generally doesn't go well with those suffering from underactive thyroid.

Most of them say it's safe to eat soy products in cooked form, I way stay away from those if you have better food choices.

Common FAQ's on Hypothyroidism

Here are some common questions that people tend to have when they are initially diagnosed with Underactive thyroid.

Is Hypothyroidism life threatening?

Yes, Hypothyroidism can be life threatening.

It may not be affect directly but since it has an effect on all the cells in our body the effect may be indirect inform of poor cardiac output, high and low blood pressure, diabetes and so on.

What are the causes of Hypothyroidism?

Some of the common causes are Hypothyroidism are:

  • Hereditary conditions
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Insufficient iodine
  • Genetic conditions
  • Poor lifestyle
  • Goitrogens: It is a substance that generally interfere with your thyroid gland function. Goitrogens can be normally found in chemicals, allopathy medicines, processed food and preservatives.

What will happen if Hypothyroidism is ignored?

You will keep gaining weight, no matter how hard you try. Furthermore, it may lead to other severe conditions such as heart failure, Diabetes, Kidney disorders, digestive disorders and so on.

But if you follow a balance diet and take proper medication, it can be controlled easily.

What type of food goes well with underactive Thyroid?

I have already compiled a list of foods that goes well with hypothyroidism at the beginning of the article.

To add, always avoid eating cruciferous vegetable in raw form or in form of juice as it will ruin the whole process. Instead if you are desperate to eat cruciferous vegetable, then consume those by cooking it

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

  • Feeling tired/fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Puffy face
  • Elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Muscle weakness
  • Ever increasing weight

Is there a permanent cure for Hypothyroidism?

In medical world there is no permanent cure available at the moment. But with awesome diet and regular exercise we can keep it in control pretty easily.


90% people who suffer from Hypothyroidism are mostly due to Hashimoto Thyroiditis.

Now we all know that it is a condition where our own immune system attacks the thyroid glands. So if we can strengthen our immune system with balanced diet and proper medication hypothyroidism can be controlled.

And for remaining others who are suffering due to some form of deficiency, they too can control thyroid by fulfilling the nutrients deficiency through simple diet.

Remember it's the food which is a real medicine and not the conventional allopathy medicines.

Give this 30 days weight loss diet plan for hypothyroidism a try and take one step forward for the ultimate wellness.

If you have liked this diet plan feel free to share it with your loved one's so that they too can benefit as Sharing is caring.

Let me know if you want me to write diet plans for different conditions in the comment box below and I will write an awesome plan just for you.

Indian Diet Plan to Lose Weight for Thyroid Patients


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